If you like Green Guitars you  are at the right Website.

The First time I remember seeing a really nice green guitar was in the late 70's,  Hamer came out with a model called the Special. Hamer was way ahead of their time they were doing bright Vibrant Translucent  Blues, Yellows, Oranges, Purples and of course Greens.  I remember being impressed with the colorful display at the NAMM Show and I ordered the full compliment of colors.

They didn't sell too well then and they still are far from my best selling colors.  But remember I specialize in the unique and different types of guitars.

Most musicians for some unknown reason tend to be conservative and traditional. I have never been able to understand or accept this, because I  firmly believe the reason that the arts exist is to foster creativity innovation and move people in a forward motion.   
But Alas as I said before most musicians lean towards traditional values and are generally resistant to change.  For this reason the more radical colors never caught on until PRS was able to break the traditionality barrier in 1993.   (Of course they couldn't have broke the barrier had they not hired some of Gibson's more high profile employees and reversed some of their original innovative designs to go 30 years backwards)  (But that's another story.)Hamer of course was not the first green guitar I had seen.  Gretsch for example, had a Green model but as I recall it was a Vomit Colored Pea Green that really didn't look too good.  And it was only available on their cheapest of cheap models.
If you like Green Guitars you  are at the right Website.

Here are a couple of custom Guitars that were built in our custom shop.
The one on the right is not a G&L (it just has a G&L neck on it)

Jackson Guitars

J. Frog Glock 22

This guitar is a deep translucent green done over an Alder Body.

This guitar is a very 80's design with Dimarzio black back pickups.

 Dean Icon Green Quilted Guitar
This is Available Click Here

Brian Moore  and PRS Refinish Jobs
The Brian Moore top is simply a thin veneer bent over a convex body.
This is a very inexpensive way to simulate a nice top.
However the sacrifice is going to be in the overall tonality of the guitar.

PRS and Gibson Refinish Jobs

PRS & Jackson Refinish Jobs

Doubleneck Guitar   Scratchbuilt for Carl Bergen in New Jersey

The center guitar is my own personal PRS.
This is probably the first guitar PRS ever did in Green.
Officially Green was not introduced until 2 years later in 1988. Also every PRS I have ever seen has a Glossy Black Back.  This one has a light green stain over Natural Mahogany.  This is very definitely an experimental model and it was probably custom made for someone very special.  I have deduced this because this guitar sounds incredible.  I MEAN INCREDIBLE  !!!!!!.  Normally I favor the Pre 1995 PRS Classic model for tonality and versatility but this guitar is an exception.